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The united front had long and historic roots in Viet Nam. Used earlier in the century to mobilize anti-French forces, the united front brought together Communists and non-Communists in an umbrella organization that had limited, but important goals. On December

20, i960, the Party's new united front the National Liberation Front (NLF), was born. Anyone could join this front as long as they opposed Ngo Dinh Diem and wanted to unify Viet Nam. The character of the NLF and its relationship to the Communists in Hanoi has caused considerable debate among scholars, anti-war activists, and policymakers. Government officials in Washington claimed that Hanoi directed the NLF's violent attacks against the Saigon regime. In a series of government "White Papers", Washington insiders denounced the NLF claiming that it was merely a puppet of Hanoi.


Реферати і шпаргалки на українській мові.
Биология      Физика      Химия      Экономика     География
Микробиология      Теоретическая механика     География Белоруссии    География Украины    География Молдавии
Растительность мира      Электротехника    География Грузии    География Армении    География Азербайджана
География Казахстана    География Узбекистана    География Киргизии    География Туркменистана    Природоведение
География Таджикистана    География Эстонии