22 - 04 - 2014

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The USA Operations in North Africa, November 1942 — May 1943

While the USA navy was fighting in the Atlantic, their air forces first encountered German aviation over North Africa. The French territories in North Africa were the second major preoccupation of the US leaders after the threat of the failure of the efforts of

Britain to resist Fascists in Europe. Dakar and Casablanca were the most convenient beachheads that could allow Hitler to start off to South America and islands in the Atlantic, thus approaching the US territory. Therefore, "Torch" operation presupposing Anglo-American invasion of North Africa was started in November 1942. On 8 November about 650 ships approached the French shores of North Africa. The French troops of Vichy government opened fire, but despite their fierce resistance, the Allied forces marched through Oran and Algiers and came to Tunisia, which was an important strategic point as it is situated in the bottleneck of the pass to the Mediterranean. The Allied aviation outnumbered considerably German air force and ensured the victory of this campaign. On 13 May 1943 the war in North Africa was over. The fascist troops in Tunisia signed unconditional surrender.


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