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Английский язык

The secret negotiations began in the spring of 1968 in Paris and soon it was made public that Americans and Vietnamese were meeting to discuss an end to the long and costly war. Despite the progress in Paris, the Democratic Party could not receive the

Подробнее: The Nixon Years

By 1968, things had gone from bad to worse for the Johnson administration. In late January, the DRV and the NLF launched coordinated attacks against the major southern cities, these attacks, known in the West as "The Tet Offensive", were designed to

Подробнее: The Tet Offensive

One of the greatest ironies in a war rich in ironies was that Washington had also moved toward a limited war in Viet Nam. The Johnson administration wanted to fight this war in "cold blood". This meant that America would go to war in Viet Nam with the

Подробнее: The War in America

By the summer of 1963, because of NLF successes and its own failures, it was clear that the GVN was on the verge of political collapse. Diem's brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, had raided the Buddhist pagodas of South Viet Nam, claiming that they had harbored the

Подробнее: Military Coup

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