23 - 04 - 2014

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Potsdam Conference, July-August 1945

The last inter-Allied conference of World War II, code-named "Terminal", was held at the suburb of Potsdam, outside ruined Berlin, from July 17 to August 2, 1945. It was attended by the Soviet, U.S., and British heads of government and foreign ministers:

respectively, Stalin and Molotov; President Harry S. Truman (Roosevelt's successor) and James F. Byrnes; and Churchill and Eden, the last-named pair being replaced by Clement Attlee and Ernest Bevin after Great Britain's change of government following a general election.


Operations against Japan were discussed, and Stalin was informed of the successful testing of an atomic bomb in the United States.


Time was spent discussing the peace settlement and its procedure. Stalin induced Truman and Attlee to consent provisionally to the Soviet Union's demands that it should take one-third of Germany's naval and merchant fleet; have the right to exact reparations from its occupied zones of Germany and of Austria and also from Finland, Hungary, Romania, and even Bulgaria; and should furthermore receive a percentage of reparation from the western-occupied zones. The total amounts of all these exactions were, however, to be determined at a later date.

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